So... yeah quite a bit happened this week. Here's the gist..
Exchanges: Me and Elder Gallego went on exchanges July 4th. President Bowen told us not to knock doors and to "be creative" so we went around and visited members and did service for them. Cleaned some crazy rich English members house and he gave us some referrals so that's awesome. We didn't make or buy a single meal. The ward had a big ward party for breakfast, a member invited our entire district over for lunch and we got fed dinner by a less active family. So it was all good. Towards the end of the night even the members that we went to visit were like "really!? Its the fourth of July!?" So we called it a night at like 8 and just went up to Anaheim Hills and Villa Park and looked at the massive houses then watched the fireworks going off in the valley. So that was cool so see!
Temple: So I went to the Temple today! That's why I'm emailing Tuesday. As usual it was awesome. We're about to go eat at the Elderly couples house as a Zone so that should be fun!
Food: I finally bought some good (healthy) food to eat for lunches! It has a lot of vegetables and fruits so that's going well!
Hma Signor (Lopez): So there's this "investigator" in the ward that is active (she comes to church every week but can't get baptized cause she's not married) who just the other day asked us if we can come over to teach her cause she, her 'husband", and Bishop talked it over and she's kicking her husband out and she wants to get baptized! Sad but good.. ha so that's really interesting. We'll see how things go with that!
Power outage: So Sunday we are in our apartment doing studies when Elder Contreras decides to call an investigator that came to church to come to a baptism that night. She says yes and its in an hour so we had to hurry to get ready. Right as he hangs up the phone (literally). All power goes out in our apartment. So we go downstairs and we can't get to our car cause the gate won't open. So we have no ride and our investigator is going to a baptism.. So we make like 5 calls and finally some English Zone Leaders said they had someone they could call. So some random missionaries come and pick us up JUST in time. We showed up right as our investigator showed up and everything. So everything went well with that. Once we got back from the Baptism we still couldn't get to our car or in the apartment cause power was still out so we spent the rest of the night tracting. Finally at like 9 we get back to the apartment and as we are walking up to it all the power comes back on and we are able to get it. Haha that was such a crazy experience.
So yeah that's more or less the big stuff! Still all is going well. I'm in the Car at least for this last week of the transfer and then we'll find out what happens after that! No complaints. All is well that ends well!
Elder Richards
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